New FAQ Sheet: Responsive Web Design

Last month we highlighted some pros and cons to responsive web design on our Bop Blog, but you may still be left wondering what responsive design is and the benefits it provides your business. As more and more Americans are using smartphones to surf the web and conduct business (63 percent to be exact), many B2B businesses are creating websites that feature improved usability for mobile visitors.

If the pros are convincing enough to start implementing responsive web design for your B2B business, we’ve created a helpful FAQ to address all the questions of what it means to go “responsive.”

In our five page FAQ, gain a greater understanding of the following:

  • What is responsive design?
  • What screen resolution should I design for?
  • What should my mobile site feature?
  • How is responsive different from an app?
  • Does my business really need responsive web design?

Download the free Responsive Web Design FAQ today!


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