Website as a resource center

If a B2B firm uses regular blogging as part of its marketing strategy, it transforms a B2B website from a static brochure into a “living, breathing” resource center for current and prospective clients. The Bop Design team excels at creating content that helps improve SEO and attracts clients you want to do business with. This continuous output of content helps generate inbound digital marketing leads from your website.

Replace limited outbound with 24/7 inbound

Your firm can’t be everywhere all the time! Outbound marketing tactics like networking can be an effective but slow method to generate B2B leads. Blogging can be a more efficient inbound marketing substitute to attract the right prospective clients to your website. Once there, a visitor sees the professional website design paired with compelling content and has greater interest in connecting with your firm.

“But I don’t have the time”

As a B2B company, your primary responsibility is delivering top-notch service to your clients, but we consistently hear companies say they can’t find the time to write and manage a blog. Bop Design can help you better focus on your clients by taking the blogging off your plate. Bop Design will discuss industry trends, new advancements, recent legislation, upcoming events and more to identify blog topics relevant to your target audience. We then find an effective mix of amplification channels—such as social media, news syndication, multimedia and email newsletters—to reach clients, prospects and partners.

Connect with Bop Design

Every B2B website needs to be a living, breathing resource center. The blog is the best place to be continuously adding helpful content to position your company as a thought leader and keep visitors on your website. Bop Design has helped create and implement a blogging strategy for the following industries.

B2B Marketing Strategies that Convert

What Does It Mean to Optimize a Blog?

Are Microsoft Ads the Next Frontier for B2B Marketers? 

An Overview of GA4 for B2B Marketers 

How B2B Firms Use Content Marketing 

Does Fresh Content Affect Google Rankings & SEO?

Repurposing Your B2B Content – When & How to Do It

The 2023 B2B Social Media Image Size Guide

5 Great B2B Content Marketing Examples

Creating Content for All Stages of the B2B Buyer’s Journey

What Is a Site Map and Why Is It Important for Your B2B Website Build?

Tips to Overhaul Your B2B Lead Generation and Nurturing


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