What are brand guides?

The best way to express and bring all your branding into a cohesive document is through a B2B brand guide. A working brand guide will streamline your marketing efforts and ensure consistency throughout your entire organization – from sales to customer service to engineering to accounting. At Bop Design, our professionally crafted brand guides bring together all the elements of your brand in one document. Rather than trying to articulate what your brand is and what it looks like, you have a working source that can be easily shared across your company, with vendors, new hires, and other partners.

What do B2B brand guides cover?

The short answer is everything associated with your brand. In the brand guides we craft for our B2B branding and design clients, we include everything that is essential to ensuring a consistent brand experience, both internally and externally. As such, the brand guides we provide to clients are the result of hours of branding research and exemplify the brand in the guide itself. Whoever has the brand guide in their hands will know everything from the right font to the correct logo usage to the proper images to select for blogs. When working with Bop Design, you get a completely custom brand guide that includes your brand statement, key brand messaging, copywriting guidelines, color scheme, fonts, directions on logo usage, information on graphics, icons and photography and how to apply/implement the brand across various media.

The blood, sweat, and tears of a branding project

It’s no secret that while branding projects are fun, creative, and exciting, they are also challenging and intense. And what tangible result do you have to show for the time (and blood, sweat, and tears) your team has poured into the branding project? A brand guide is a tangible asset and takeaway from a B2B branding or rebranding project. For many B2B firms, the business model or products and services can be complex and intricate. Translating the value of service offerings or products is often tricky, but once you get it right – you want everyone in your organization on the same page. The brand guides we create at Bop Design are the key to ensuring a consistent brand experience across your organization, partners, and employees.

Guidelines keep your brand on track and build trust

At the end of the day, a polished brand guide positions your company as consistent, clear, and trustworthy. If your brand is the value and promise your company offers, the guidelines are the directions for defining, sharing, and showcasing the value. For B2B branding projects, the guides our design and marketing team create provide a clear path to keep your brand consistent. A guide ensures implementing your brand across all mediums is seamless. Whether you are launching a new brand, rebranding your existing brand, or folding newly acquired companies into your parent brand, a B2B brand guide provides a single source for brand standardization and easy brand recognition.

Brand guides grow with your business

The value of a brand guide can’t be emphasized enough. It’s not a manual or a textbook, it’s a well-designed guide and roadmap to how your brand should be presented. The brand guides we create incorporate visuals and are accessible to all employees, document a consistent message and tone to be used in all company materials and documents, and are not stifling – they are meant to help your brand grow and evolve.


Connect with Bop Design

Every B2B industry can utilize content marketing to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate and nurture leads. Bop Design has helped the following industries in creating and promoting content on the right channels to get a B2B company in front of its target market.

Top Marketing Priorities for B2B SaaS Firms

B2B Branding Trends for Technology Firms 

Tips for a Consistent B2B Brand Identity

B2B Logo Design: More than Meets the Eye

Holiday Marketing Ideas for B2B Brands

A 3-Step Guide for Leading a Successful B2B Rebrand

Why B2B Web Design and Rebranding Projects Are Emotional (& What to Do About It)

3 Crucial Pages to Include on Your B2B Website

How to Build an Effective Google Ads Landing Page

What Your Fonts Say About Your B2B Brand

How to Make Your B2B Webinar or Video Conference Look More Professional

Common Copywriting Errors That Make Readers Cringe


Let’s talk about your project

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