FAQ on SaaS web design


Product page(s)

This may seem obvious, but you want to be sure to include a main product page where you can describe all the features, benefits, and other details about your SaaS product. After the homepage, the Products page is consistently the most visited page on a SaaS website – it’s where users instinctively click to get more information about your offering. If you have more than one product, you should include one main “Products” page on the main navigation, then include subpages directly underneath for each individual product.

Use cases

If your SaaS product is new to the market or complex to understand, it may be a good idea to include a page that describes various use cases. The content on this page addresses specific problems your audience may be experiencing that your SaaS product can solve.

Buyer persona and industry pages

The B2B sales process is long and involves multiple decision makers. The more costly your software, the longer the sales process and the more people involved. Speed it up by including pages geared toward each buyer persona, such as C-level executives, IT staff, or end-users.

If applicable, you could also include pages geared toward each industry your SaaS solution can support. While your product may do the same thing across verticals, different industries typically experience unique challenges and pain points that your product can help them address. Demonstrating that your software can solve issues across industries gives prospects confidence that you can help them as well.

Integrations page

Chances are your software integrates with other technology. Prospects want to know up front if your product can fit in seamlessly with their existing tech stack. It’s important to list the various software and hardware your product can integrate with, as it is a key factor in the SaaS buying process.

Recorded demo

Most SaaS companies these days provide one-on-one demos with prospective customers. However, it may take a while before your website visitors commit to a personalized demo or sales call.

A good way to pique their interest and explain the value of your SaaS product is to provide a video of a recorded demo available on demand on your website. It may not be as lengthy or detailed as a one-on-one demo, but it will give prospects an idea of how your software works to see if it could be a right fit for them. If your product has many components, you may even consider doing a series of short demos to highlight various features of your software.

Request a demo CTAs

After site visitors review your products and solutions and view a recorded demo, they will likely be interested in a more personalized demo and conversation where they can ask questions. We recommend placing numerous calls to action throughout the pages of your website where prospects can request a one-on-one, custom demo with your team.

Pricing page

Even if you don’t want to show definitive pricing on your B2B SaaS website, it’s a good idea to inform your visitors how you price your solutions. Is it by user? Are there different tiers? Is it a monthly or annual commitment? Is it in the cloud or on premise? Add a call to action on your Pricing page where visitors can request a customized quote.

Case studies + statistics

It’s important to demonstrate how your SaaS offering can achieve business goals. Real-world client success stories help prospects understand your process, specific challenges you’ve addressed for customers, and results your product has delivered. If you’re able to include statistics that prove your software can provide significant ROI (e.g., quantified time or cost savings cost savings, increased uptime) it will help users convert on your website and generate more leads.


SaaS visuals

Screen caps, renderings, or a visual representation of your Software UI are incredibly important in demonstrating the validity of your tool. Not only do these visuals prove that you have an actual product (and aren’t still in capital raising mode) but the UI design (and how user-friendly it seems) is a key factor in the buying decision.

Clean, modern UI/UX

SaaS companies are expected to be on the cutting edge, so it’s critical that the design of your website looks modern and clean. In addition, you want to ensure your B2B SaaS website has a seamless user experience (UX) to support the overall buying experience. The UX on a website can very extremely nuanced, so it’s important to consult with an experienced UX designer to guide you through the website build.

Consistent, contemporary brand

Before you jump into a new website design project, you’ll want to get your visual brand up to par. Make sure you have a professional logo and brand elements (such as color palette, typography and visuals) that represent your SaaS solution in its best light. These will be foundational elements in driving the overall design of the website.

Interactive elements

On larger B2B SaaS websites, you’ll see things like interactive pricing pages and API integrations that allow you to test out certain features of the product or series of video demos. All these design features help build value and prompt conversion.

Clear calls-to-action

The #1 goal of your SaaS website is to generate qualified sales leads. The last thing you want is for users to think about what their next step should be. Whether the next CTA is to request a demo, download a white paper or contact you, you want to make sure it’s clearly visible and stands out from the rest of the content on the page.

Get inspired

Take a look through recent web designs for companies in the SaaS space to see what’s trending.

B2B SaaS lead handling

The first step in SaaS website lead generation is getting your ideal prospect to the website. Second step is getting them to covert i.e., requesting a demo, scheduling a consultation, etc. Accomplishing these first 2 steps requires constant work and refinement. Even though your company website attracts the right person to the website and that person converts, lead handling of SaaS website leads can be sometime fumbled by our B2B clients. The following are best practices in SaaS lead handling.

Continuously test your website forms

Before we even get out of the gate, someone at your company needs to constantly check all website forms to ensure they are working. At the very least, this should be done monthly if not weekly or daily depending on the number of website visitors, conversions, and CTAs on your SaaS website.

Check your junk email folder

Even if the forms are working properly, we have many clients and even Bop Design ourselves that see legitimate form completions go to our junk folder. Try working with your IT department or consultant to ensure that all form email addresses are marked safe. Even after you do that, some can still go to junk. Check your junk folder at least once a day to ensure that no quality leads ae be squandered.

Respond to leads within 1 business day

I state this all the time to clients and internally, all leads should be responded to within 1 business day. Typically, you want to reply within an hour. This is important because if you attain the “first mover advantage” in the sales discussion, you can dictate the conversation with the prospect. The prospect is using your SaaS solution as the standard—asking questions to competitors about the features and benefits your software has. You lead the sales discussion rather than being reactive to the questions being prompted by a competitor leading the conversation.

Every email communication should contain thought leadership content

As you nurture a lead, loom at each email conversation as an opportunity to better strengthen your SaaS solutions’ credibility. Each email should contain a blog entry, a case study, a third-party article about your solution, a reference or testimonial, etc. Always be reminding your client why your B2B SaaS solution is the best for their specific needs.

Use phone, email, Zoom & direct mail to nurture leads

90% of lead nurturing is via digital communication. However, mix it up from time to time with phone and direct mail. A direct mail card with a professionally designed printed SaaS buyer’s guide can separate you from the pack. A check-in call from time to time can help strengthen the relationship. Remember that the prospect will look at the greatest preview of customer service after the sale is your service and thoughtfulness during the sale.

Offer incentives to expedite commitment

It can be viewed cliché but incentives can help a prospect commit. If there is a discount or other incentive to get a prospect to commit by a certain time, this can help shorten the sales cycle and get you the sales quicker. B2B SaaS sales cycles can vary from weeks to years but brainstorm internally on what you can offer of value to get the client to be more decisive.


The SaaS space can be highly competitive with numerous options for a prospect to select from. If you start with a SaaS website design that focuses on SEO and conversion rate optimization (CRO) best practices, you are halfway to the closed sale. The second 50% of the lead handling process is being responsive, thoughtful, thorough in the sales process to gain commitment and increase client acquisition from your website.


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