Why B2B Web Design and Rebranding Projects Are Emotional (& What to Do About It)

In over 12 years of running Bop Design, we’ve designed 400+ B2B websites, many of which are much more than just a new website. Often when clients hire us, the website is part of a more extensive brand overhaul. It could involve a name change, logo redesign, messaging, positioning shift, and a completely new website.

It never ceases to amaze me how emotional these projects can be for clients. Let’s explore why these projects can get emotional and how to prevent emotions from flying high for a smooth, successful end-product.

Why Website and Branding Projects Get Emotional

Pressure – We often work with marketing leadership on a rebranding and B2B website project. These are usually highly visible projects, which puts a considerable amount of stress on the marketing team. Depending on the company structure, you could have ownership, C-Level executives, and a board of directors paying close attention to the project. Leadership may also be putting pressure on the marketing team to stick to timelines and budgets while ensuring alignment on a creative process.

Excitement – Launching a new B2B website design and refreshed brand is very exciting, and everyone may want to have a say or be part of the project. This excitement can turn negative if there isn’t clear project leadership and too many decision-makers are involved – creating roadblocks and internal power struggles.

Attachment – When working on a new website or rebranding project with ownership or founding partners, they are often attached to a particular way of doing things or even elements of a current B2B website or brand. This can become a problem if these attachments conflict with their goals or marketing leadership’s vision. Change is hard but evolving the brand and company website is critical to remain relevant and maintain market share.

Reflection – Sometimes, clients underestimate the amount of reflection a rebranding or B2B web design project entails. It forces leadership to take a good hard look at the company and its values. Understanding the company goals, mission, vision, position in the marketplace, perceived value, and target markets are critical. When this reflection is not done before starting a project or leadership has conflicting viewpoints internally, it can cause emotions to fly high and projects to delay.

Read more: How to prepare for a website design project. 

What to Do About It

Manage expectations – Define reasonable goals, timelines, and budgets based on available resources and get buy-in from the powers that be. Getting alignment from key groups – like leadership, marketing, and sales on project objectives is vital to avoid future problems down the road. Consider creating a project brief once there is consensus on goals, objectives, timeline, and budgets to document internally and aid in the hiring of a B2B web design agency.

Read more: What should my B2B website have?

Get your story straight – Before hiring a web design agency, determine the project goals and gather essential information like the company mission, vision, unique value proposition, and target market profiles. Struggling to get alignment or gather this information? Hire a marketing strategist/consultant to help you define that before diving into a rebranding or B2B website project. You need to know where you want to go before creating a brand platform or website to get you there.

Build your team – Determine who should be involved in the project, what their responsibilities are, and who is the ultimate decision-maker to avoid power struggles and conflict. Limit the number of decision-makers and keep them consistent throughout the project.

You can avoid emotions flying high, needless power struggles, and project timelines derailed by taking the three steps above.

Ready to kick off your B2B web design project? Contact us today to discuss your project.

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