Repurposing Your B2B Content – When & How to Do It

Repurposing B2B content has been our mantra at Bop Design for more than a decade, but it becomes increasingly crucial to companies that are working leaner and with fewer resources.

In this post, we’ll walk you through when to repurpose content and how to do it for maximum impact.

When we talk about content, it includes a lot of resources – B2B web pages, blog posts, case studies, sales materials, etc. The options are limitless, so we’ll be giving a summary in this post.

When you should repurpose your B2B content

To be honest, not all content should be repurposed, but much of it absolutely should be. If you are unsure whether to repurpose a piece of content, here are a few tips for choosing what to reuse:

  • Content that performs well – Any content, be it a blog post or a website page or a case study, that resonates with your target audience is a candidate for repurposing.
  • Content with helpful information – Content of any kind that provides helpful information for your prospects or existing customers is ripe for repurposing. This may include client onboarding information, best practices on using your products or services, or even a sales deck that explains how the process or solution works.
  • Innovative material – Anything that sets you apart from the competition or is groundbreaking is a fantastic source for creating other content. Lean into content that is innovative.

*This is not a definitive list of content to repurpose, but it should give you inspiration on where to look for good content.

How to repurpose your B2B content

Repurposing content can include both reusing the exactly as it is or creating new content formats that pull on the same themes as a previous piece. There is a multitude of ways to repurpose content to get more mileage out of topics that your target market finds interesting.

Create Visuals

One of the easiest ways to repurpose written content is to create visuals using the content.

  • Infographics – People LOVE a good infographic, especially when it comes to processes or complex topics. These types of graphics can be posted to your B2B website in a blog post, as part of a web page, and shared on social media.
  • Social media posts – Take good, quality content and break it down into smaller, snackable chunks to be social media posts. It may depend on what is relevant to your audience – but even creating a visual with a quote or a statistic can do well.
  • Checklists – Regardless of your industry, a good checklist is gold. If you have created a blog post that walks through a process, shares what features your audience should consider in a product or solution, or what they need to review before choosing a particular software, you can now turn that content into a visual checklist. Make sure it’s easy for the user to download and save to use later.
  • Graphs or charts – Again, a visual depiction of an idea, concept, or process is a great resource for your target market. Graphs and charts don’t have to be boring – they can add a lot of interest when branded and laid out by a professional designer.
  • Slide decks – Everyone loves a good slide deck, especially when it’s concise and includes helpful visuals (see graphs and charts). A blog post that explains a process or what clients can expect lends itself to being repurposed for a slide deck – whether that is a PowerPoint, Google Slide, or even a post on LinkedIn.
  • Advertisements – When you have engaging content, whether it’s an intriguing section of your B2B website or a blog post or even a video, be sure to repurpose that in an ad campaign. Ad campaigns can be for search ads, display ads, retargeting or remarketing ads, or even social media ads.

Read more: 5 B2B content marketing examples.

Create Long-form B2B Content

In addition to taking a piece of content and breaking it down, you can take multiple pieces of content and craft longer, more in-depth pieces. The caveat here is that there is going to need to be professional copywriting or editing to ensure the pieces flow and create a cohesive piece.

  • eBooks – There is much demand for eBooks, for pretty much any B2B industry. Identify existing content pieces that would work well together to create an engaging, long-form piece of content.
  • Guides – Companies that are excelling at B2B content marketing to drive inbound leads already know that guides are where it’s at. Craft a guide that walks your target market through a particular process, whether it’s how to use your software tool, how to identify the right outsourcing partner, or even best practices for implementation.
  • White papers – Drafting a white paper from scratch can be a daunting task, but there is the opportunity to craft a white paper from other existing content. Do you have helpful case studies that document how clients have implemented your system or service? Do you have thought leadership videos that explain in-depth a particular concept or theory? Both of these can be turned into sought-after white papers.
  • Presentations – Whether it be a thought leadership piece, an industry presentation, or even a sales presentation, you likely have content laying around that can be collated and repurposed for a great presentation.

Read more: How to create content for each stage of the buying journey.

Craft New Content Using the Same Material

As a B2B content marketing and design agency, we work with B2B firms of all sizes in a variety of industries. In many cases, we often hear, “haven’t we covered that topic before?” While the answer may be yes, there is always a way to repurpose or recover a topic that adds interest and appeals to the target market.

In this particular section, we recommend taking existing content and writing a brand new version of it – even if it covers the same themes. Keep in mind that your prospects, clients, or partners aren’t combing through all your digital assets like you are. Many of them may read a blog post here or there, but aren’t watching your blog month in and month out, so recreating content won’t bore them.

  • Draft new blogs on the same topic to pitch out to industry publications – Just because you have a particular blog post on your website, doesn’t mean you can’t write about that same topic and pitch it out to an industry publication.
  • Break down the content into more detailed or technical posts – This is a great way to turn one high level blog post or B2B website page into 4 or 5 different content pieces. For example, if you have a blog page that covers all your services, why not create a blog post on the best practices or applications for each service? Bam – you have 5 blog ideas ready to go!
  • Create an FAQ on the same topic – Take a piece of content that explains a theme and write a new version that covers the same theme, but in Q&A format. An FAQ is a great addition to a B2B website – particularly for complex or technical products or services.
  • Build a webpage on the same material – Have a particular sales sheet or presentation that gets great results? Why not turn that into a page on your B2B website so anyone visiting your site can access it or find it in an online search?
  • Promote a webinar on the topic – Webinars saw a bit of a slump in 2021 and 2022 as digital meetings fatigued professionals (and students), but they are back and getting a huge draw. If you have a really helpful onboarding presentation, thought leadership presentation, or even a sales presentation that explains a difficult concept – you can easily turn that into a webinar. In many cases – the slides will translate easily or need minimal to no reworking.
  • Use the content in an email newsletter message – Your target audience wants helpful information in their inbox (not just another person trying to sell them an email list). When you have content that is engaging, useful, or groundbreaking – put that in an email to your newsletter list and get it out there!

Read more: Creating a B2B lead generation strategy.

As mentioned before, this isn’t an extensive list of repurposing content, it’s a jumping-off point for creating great B2B content marketing pieces – with less work than you expect.

Interested in a B2B content strategy for your company but don’t have the resources to implement it yourself? Contact Bop Design today to see how we can help.

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