Does Fresh Content Affect Google Rankings & SEO?

Learn more about fresh content creation and SEO

Techniques for improving a website’s rankings have changed over the years, but one of the tried and true ways that have remained is adding fresh content to your B2B website. This technique doesn’t require fancy tools or technical expertise. It just requires your time and industry expertise.

What Is Considered Content?

  • Adding fresh content to your B2B website continues to be a great way to make a big impact on your search engine rankings.
  • There are many different types of fresh content: blog posts, B2B website pages, videos, podcasts, webinars, e-books, and infographics. This also includes repurposing one type of content into several different mediums. For example, if you draft a blog post, you can then re-create it as a video/podcast/infographic/etc. If you’ve already put the time into writing and creating the content you might as well re-purpose it into different media types to reach a broader audience and provide the content in a variety of forms.
  • Don’t just create content to create content. Make sure that the content you create is engaging, informational, and useful to your audience. Create content that people will want to share. This helps build an audience of repeat visitors and strengthens your authority as an expert in your industry.

Read more about SEO, UX design, and the value of fresh content.

What Constitutes Fresh Content?

The best way to make an SEO impact with fresh content is by adding new fresh pages (resources) to your B2B website.

Another technique is to “freshen” up existing content or revamp the content on your website. This includes making updates or changes to existing pages/posts/resources. While freshening up content won’t have a huge SEO impact, it can be very helpful for visitors to ensure they have the latest information.

Why Is It Important to Create Fresh Content?

By adding new pages/posts/resources to your B2B website design, you are able to target a wider range of keywords and topics that are relevant to your industry and audience. Use fresh content creation as an opportunity to go after more long-tail keyword phrases to attract specific searches that are relevant to your business.

Not only is fresh content helpful for on-page optimization, but it also creates new links internally and externally on your B2B website. Make sure to link from existing primary navigation pages when possible to your new fresh content. This gives the fresh content more authority quicker. Additionally, if you are creating good fresh content regularly, then it increases the chances other websites will link to your resources. This type of natural backlinking is very helpful for SEO and builds credibility for your brand.

If your business can maintain a schedule of frequently producing new and engaging content it is much more likely that you can build a repeat audience of B2B website visitors. Returning visitors helps with SEO and building up brand loyalty.

Learn more about the detailed history of SEO and Fresh Content.

The SEO Technical Reasons Why You Must Create Fresh Content

Adding new content pages establishes your authority in the subject, making it more likely that your B2B website will outperform competitor sites.

Making changes and creating new pages on your website gets your website re-indexed, which is also helpful for improving SEO.

From the visitor’s standpoint, having new content freshens up your B2B website and makes your business a more valuable resource.

Having great quality content increases your likelihood of other industry websites linking to yours.

According to Google announcements, having fresh content on a website is still a ranking factor.

What Type of Content Should You Create?

While all helpful, educational content is worth creating, several types of content are preferred by search engines like Google and Bing.

If you have limited resources or are just starting with content creation, focus on creating:

  1. Thought leadership blog posts
  2. Custom infographics
  3. Unique videos (interviews, presentations, explainers)
  4. Content around trending topics or current events
  5. Ebooks and guides that explain how to do something relevant to your industry
  6. Comprehensive lists

Take a deeper dive into the best type of content to create.

How to Effectively Create Fresh & Engaging Content

  1. Follow other industry leaders to keep up with events and trends. When applicable, create fresh content around the topic. You can also use Google Trends to research trending keywords in your industry and get info on what search engines think users find helpful.
  2. Creating fresh content around your original research is a great starting point. Has your business recently conducted a study, client survey, etc? Use that data to craft new and shareable content.
  3. Think about content creation from your client’s point of view. Often, businesses tend to write content around their own business solutions. However, we recommend thinking of common issues/problems that your clients are facing and crafting thoughtful content around those pain points. It doesn’t always need to focus squarely on your own solution. Instead, just have it be a light touch point that shows your business is there as a resource.
  4. Consider interviewing your clients or leadership team members to develop a new topic.
  5. Create short problem-solving guides focused on topics your clients would be interested in.
  6. Most importantly develop a fresh content publishing schedule for all of your team members to follow. The more people you can involve, the more likely you can keep up with generating fresh content on a regular basis.
Looking to learn more about SEO and content creation? Check out our recent guide on SEO FOR B2B WEB DESIGN MARKETING.

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