Does RSS Matter in Content Marketing?

This past July, Google announced the end of Google Reader. Chaos ensued. As the reliable RSS (that stands for Really Simple Syndication) source for millions of users to subscribe and follow publications of interest, taking away Google Readers was like saying your morning paper delivery would cease to exist (at least that’s how we felt).

Almost six months have passed since the closing and it seems we all survived. Whether you switched your RSS services to a new provider (Feedly, Flipboard, and Digg Reader are some of our favorites) or are still struggling to find that perfect replacement, the future of RSS asks a big question for marketers:

Do RSS feeds matter in my content strategy?

Well, yes and no.

If you’re a B2B services firm with a company blog, chances are you’re not measuring success based on number of RSS subscriptions. Yet, as more Internet users utilize RSS feeds to strictly read their specific interests, how will new content break into an individual’s subscription bubble?

NPR did a great Q&A on the eve of the Google Reader shutdown with Digg Reader CEO Andrew McLaughlin on this topic. When asked on the dangers of creating self-filtered media “bubbles,” McLaughlin pointed to other channels that are traditionally considered “social” over “informative” (such as Twitter and Facebook) that open readers up to more diverse topics.

In the world of content marketing, that means it’s not just about getting a blog post live. It’s about how shareable you can make it. Repurposing content for the social channels your audience is using is critical for the success of a blog post. By targeting diverse channels, a blog post is granted visibility to people who are filtering their news sources to your industry, but may not be aware of your business or content.

As we move into the New Year, Bop Design will be looking forward to creating new content relationships with businesses. If you are interested in guest blogging opportunities on the Bop Blog, contact us and let’s talk.


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