How to Be Successful with B2B Facebook in 2014

Facebook is typically the less traversed social media platform in the world of B2B. It’s B2C roots, as well as the recent not-organic-friendly algorithm updates, are leaving many B2B marketers wondering if this tactic is worthwhile. Before you throw in the towel, remember that Facebook still has value as the largest social media platform. It also boasts some pretty serious engagements results with newer tactics like paid promotions and mobile users.

When considering Facebook for B2B, here are some tactics to think of:

Focus on quality not quantity
It may seem obvious, but if you’re churning out boring copy just to meet the “one post per day” rule it’s best to rethink the strategy. Posting 2 – 3 times weekly can still yield some web traffic results, but we recommend to marketers to get creative and…

Find the news
Think of new ways to re-purpose news and events at your company. For example, instead of announcing you have a new department head with a regurgitated bland press release, share with your followers a (professional) photo of your colleague along with a quick Q&A about themselves.

Links, image and video rich content
When posting content on Facebook, think outside the box and include links and multimedia that relate to your content. Even a simple announcement post can be paired with a complementary image that illustrates your message.

Customize your Facebook apps
On the bar below your cover image to the right of the “About” section is a row of apps you can customize for your Facebook fans. Some you may not want to move (like Photos and Likes) but the rest of the sliding row is up to you! Useful apps for B2B include MailChimp newsletter signups, SlideShare and other social media platform links.

Think about paid promotion
It’s a hard pill to swallow that the social media platform we once enjoyed for free is now encouraging us to pay for more reach. Although in the grand scheme of advertising Facebook’s cost per thousand impressions is low (even lower than other digital ad options like LinkedIn and Google AdWords).

It’s ok if it’s not your primary platform
The Content Marketing Institute reported this year that B2B marketers now utilize an average of 13 tactics for their business. They also reported 81% of marketers are using Facebook, but only 30% are confident in its effectiveness. There needs to be some prioritizing with social media, and it’s ok if Facebook is on the lower end of the totem pole.


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