All the Responsive Web Design Statistics You Need

When updating your B2B web design, one of the best things you can do is incorporate a responsive design. A responsive website allows you to have one website with one URL that will display properly on any device a website visitor is using. Whether your prospective client is searching for your business on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer, a responsive B2B website design will provide them with a terrific user experience.

When it comes to a website redesign or a new website launch, budget is always a consideration. That’s why we have compiled all the responsive web design statistics you need to make a case for a new B2B website that is responsive.

The Facts on Mobile Adoption and Usage

  • 60% of Internet Access Is Mostly Mobile
  • 90% of adults in the U.S. have a cell phone
  • Of that 90% of cell phone owners, 58% have a smartphone (More than half!)
  • 32% of adults in the U.S. own an e-reader
  • 42% of adults in the U.S. own a tablet computer

How Mobile Technology Changes Human Behavior

  • Smartphone users check their devices 150 times a day.
  • 67% of cell phone owners check their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when their phone is not sending an alert.
  • 44% of cell phone owners admitted to sleeping with their phone by their bed because they did not want to miss any calls, text messages, or social media updates while they were sleeping.
  • 29% of cell phone owners have taken to describing their phone as “something they can’t imagine living without.”

Browsing Habits Redefined by Mobile Technology

  • 34% of smartphone users go online mostly using their phones, and not on a desktop, laptop, or other device.
  • People using a desktop computer to search online will increase from 1.4 billion to 1.6 billion users in 2015.
  • People searching online using a smartphone will increase from 800 million to 1.9 billion users in 2015.

Problems Solved By Responsive Website Design

  • 46% of people using mobile devices report having problems viewing a static site. A static site is a traditional, non-responsive website.
  • 44% of people surveyed claim that navigation was difficult on smaller devices.

Mobile online search has increased in leaps and bounds over the past few years as mobile technology has vastly improved. When choosing whether your B2B website redesign is going to include responsive technology, it’s best to know all the facts and statistics. Not only are people changing how they think about their mobile technology, but mobile technology is changing how they think about websites.

A responsive website, or even a mobile optimized website, addresses the common complaint of not being able to view a static website or having issues with navigation on smaller devices. When your ideal prospective client finds your website, you want to ensure they have a great experience and are able to view, locate, and engage with all the information they need. A responsive B2B web design sets the stage for a fantastic user experience and contributes to better website conversions.

Statistic Sources: Marketing Land, Pew Research Center,, Expos Your Business.


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