How Design Impacts Your Daily Life

Where do we find design in our daily life?

Design is all around us—from the computer, or cell phone that you are reading this article on, to basic, everyday items such as coffee mugs or toothbrushes. These items started as an idea, then moved on to a design. Good design saves time, delivers knowledge, serves its intended purpose, and builds trust. Bad design steals our time, causes us to make mistakes, is just plain annoying, and in worst cases, dangerous.

What is good design and what is bad design?

What constitutes good design? It goes deeper than just looking pretty. Especially when it comes to interactive design or B2B website design. Good design should perform, communicate, convert and fulfill a purpose. When evaluating or concepting a design, you can gain valuable business insights by asking yourself the same questions that designers ask themselves when problem-solving.

What types of questions do designers ask?

Two of the most important questions to ask before designing are:

  1. What problem are we trying to solve?

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at how often this is not clearly addressed. Maybe there are too many cooks in the kitchen, or people are too immersed in a project to think objectively, or maybe a problem keeps changing because of the pace of technology. Whatever the reason, it is essential that you first clearly define what your objective is for the design. Defining this clearly helps stay the course and reach your goals quicker.

  1. Who is the end user (what do they know, how do they think)?

Getting out of your own head and seeing the world from a different perspective will help you be a better leader and problem solver. You need to truly understand the needs, wants and feelings of your end user in order to come up with a winning solution. This concept has gained a lot of traction as of late. Empathetic design thinking is key in business, design, and the sciences. This is particularly relevant in terms of B2B web design.

How design can improve the everyday

Now let’s put some of this design knowledge to good use and think about the design of an everyday item that many of use on a daily basis, the television remote control. A major problem on many remote controls is a non-intuitive interface or poor usability. There are simply too many buttons and they are not compatible with all devices. This, in turn, creates less satisfaction for the user, resulting in poor sales and growth.

Some of the more recent T.V. remote designs have found solutions to this problem. By thinking from the client’s perspective (like a designer), the product becomes more intuitive and user-friendly. By removing unnecessary buttons and making the product simpler, we increase customer satisfaction, which in turn results in better sales and profits. This same way of thinking also applies to your current B2B website.

Implementing design in life

Design is something that we all take for granted on a daily basis, but, as illustrated in the remote control example, when we take the time to think about the design of a product or service it becomes more effective.  Profits increase, you gain customer trust and satisfaction. Good design is a win-win situation for all.

Questions about the design of your B2B website? Contact us today for an expert consultation.


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