
B2B Web Design and SEO for Global Manufacturer

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Overall Users


New Users


Total Sessions


Organic Search Sessions


Direct Search Sessions

Date Range: 10/10/2023 - 11/10/2023 compared to 9/8/2023 - 10/9/2023


AddUp, a global manufacturer of metal additive (3D printing) machines, sought a full custom redesign of their website, targeting OEMs and contract manufacturers in the medical, tooling, and aerospace industries. Its goal was to showcase new branding, amplify lead generation, and improve the user experience for visitors. The existing website suffered from multiple issues: difficulty in maintenance, inconsistent formatting due to an array of plugins, and an unoptimized mobile version. Visually, it was outdated and clunky. The absence of key elements like videos, links, forms, and poor SEO prompted the need for a comprehensive redesign. An added challenge – the site had to cater to a multilingual audience.


Bop Design addressed AddUp’s challenges through a multifaceted approach. Adopting a dark theme to appeal to the tech-focused audience, our designers highlighted imagery of sleek, sexy machinery akin to a high-end car website. We improved navigation to streamline the flow of information and created a robust resource library to aid with lead nurturing and authority building. The content strategy and copywriting effort aligned with the company’s new branding, ensuring clear communication of expertise. Our team also implemented both on-page and technical SEO to attract target buyers. The resulting multilingual website, available in English, French, and German, now appeals to AddUp’s global audience.


Post-launch, the impact was substantial. New user acquisition increased by 58.7%, while organic search sessions and direct search sessions went up by 61% and 105%, respectively. The redesigned website not only tackled the pain points outlined initially but also delivered a significant boost in user engagement and visibility. The revamped site became an effective tool for lead generation, exemplifying AddUp’s position as an industry authority and offering accessible resources to its target audience. The AddUp team was so pleased with the outcome they hired Bop to lead SEO efforts in an ongoing engagement.


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