Lee Contracting

B2B Website Redesign and Ongoing Content Marketing for Industrial Contracting Firm

Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting Homepage screenshot of Lee Contracting


New Users


Engaged Sessions




Organic Search

5/24/22 - 5/24/23 compared to previous period


Lee Industrial Contracting, an industrial contracting firm, wanted an updated B2B website that appealed to a younger audience for new recruits, plus promoted their breadth of services and capabilities for C-suite members looking to hire a new contracting firm. The previous website was dated and inefficient at capturing the attention of potential prospects on both ends.


Bop Design stepped in to create a modern website that is both visually appealing and clearly showcases Lee Contracting’s wide-ranging capabilities and expertise. The Bop content team created a tagline that effectively summed up their value proposition and was a hit with the leadership team. The new website features a clean design with clear navigation, a detailed project portfolio, and real imagery from their warehouse and client work. Lee Contracting is now positioned as the go-to industrial contracting firm in the Midwest.

Bop Design continues to provide value to Lee Contracting through a comprehensive Google Ads and retargeting strategy, complemented by e-mail newsletters and LinkedIn ads for both recruiting and business development.


With a targeted SEO strategy, the new B2B website allows more key decision-makers to easily find the website through organic search. The uptick in user count by over 24% over the past year indicates solid growth and is a testament to the content optimization Bop Design provided. In the two years since starting content marketing with Bop, quote requests have increased by 28% year over year and contact requests increased by 49% YoY. Leads for Lee Contracting have increased in quality and quantity compared to the previous website.


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