
B2B Website Design & Digital Marketing Strategy for Solar Management Solutions Company

Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull Homepage screenshot of SunPull






Page Views


Organic Search


Social Traffic

*Comparing 3 months after site launch to the prior period (7/26/2022 - 10/25/2022 vs. 4/25/22 - 7/25/2022)


Sun-Pull Wire provides solar management solutions and bundled cables to utility-scale solar customers and EPCs. Originally a sub-division of their parent company, One-Pull Wire, Sun-Pull was ready to branch off as its own business and needed a dedicated website to showcase its products and services. Bop Design was brought in to build out a robust website that would act as a resource for utility-scale solar customers about the value of bundled cable and as a lead generation tool to grow with the company’s expansion of services.


Bop Design worked closely with the team at Sun-Pull Wire to update the company’s branding and design a website that spoke to engineers, planners, and other decision-makers at utility-scale businesses. Once the website launched, an ongoing marketing strategy was crafted to build out additional pages, targeted ads, and refresh marketing materials for generating and nurturing leads.


The optimized website serves as a digital resource center to educate decision makers interested in streamlining solar buildouts while also acting as a central hub for digital advertisements and organic marketing efforts. The website design and marketing strategy are flexible enough to provide the support the company needs to grow its customer base and expand its product and service offerings.

Our Clients Say It Best

"They made a website that is now working towards our SEO, and I think that as we grow as a company, it is the right website we want people visiting. They did a great job making the website SEO friendly and that is reflecting in the analytics."

Mike Zimm, Director Marketing

Kris Tech

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