Increase Your Landing Page Conversions

What is a landing page? A landing page can be any page on a website that is focused on a particular product, service, or offering. A landing page should be designed to encourage website visitors to take action—whether it is requesting a demo, downloading a white paper, attending a webinar, downloading a coupon, etc… Landing pages are critical to the success of your business. A well-designed landing page can increase leads for your business, whereas a poorly designed landing page can quickly send visitors fleeing. The following are a few easy tips to designing a successful landing page:

Contact Form

Possibly one of the most important aspects of a landing page is giving people the ability to quickly and easily contact your business or download the requested item. Not only does it need to be easy for the visitor, but you also want to be able to capture this contact information for your business. The best way to do this, in most cases, is with an online form. In general, a contact form should include the following required fields: contact name, phone, and email. You can add additional fields to the contact form to learn more about the website visitor, but be careful not to create a lengthy 25 field form that scares people away from filling it out. Think of the contact form as a way to start a communication with the website visitor, instead of a way to gather all of their personal data. You can always go back to them afterwards and fill in more details if you find that they are interested in your products or services.

Business Information

It is a good idea to show new website visitors that you are in fact a viable and “real” business by including your company address, phone, and email on your landing page. This is especially important if you are doing a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign and driving people to your landing page. You have to remember that in most cases the visitors landing on the page don’t know anything about your business (unless you are a Fortune 500) so it is better to include more information about yourself to prove that you are safe to contact. It is also a good idea to include links to your social media accounts. This will also help prove that others trust your business and provide them with a trusted channel to contact and follow your company updates.

Customer Quotes

Another great way to get these new website visitors to trust your business and fill out your contact form is by including customer quotes, testimonials, case studies, reviews, or customer videos. These don’t need to be front and center on the landing page, but including them in the sidebar of the page or a link to a customer testimonials page is a great way to build trust.


Be sure to prominently include your company branding on the landing page. Don’t hide your company information or make it difficult to find your company name, this is one area where you want it to be front and center. It is also a good idea to have your landing page, website, marketing collateral, and social media accounts all branded with your company look and feel. Having a distinguishable branded presence in both online and offline marketing efforts helps convey to visitors that you are here to stay and easily recognizable.

Layout & Design

Create a sticky landing page. A good layout with a visually appealing design will help keep people on your landing page. The layout of the landing page should be easy to read and not cluttered. The layout should encourage the eye to quickly be drawn to the focus of the page. Nothing will drive people away quicker than a disorganized landing page filled with small font text. You don’t need to include everything about your company on the page. Instead, focus on getting people interested enough to take the first step: filling out the form.

Attention Grabbing

The average internet browser probably visits hundreds of pages a day. You need to create a landing page that is worth noticing and captures your web visitors’ attention immediately. It should capture their attention and hopefully get them to read the either copy on the page or take action. An attention grabbing image or opening text header can do the trick. However, not only do you want it to be attention grabbing but you also want it to convey the purpose of the page. I’m sure we can all think of attention grabbing text or images, but remember to keep it relevant to the landing page.

A Clear Incentive & Call-To-Action

Last, but certainly not least, a clear incentive and call-to-action needs to be included on the landing page. Within seconds of visiting the page a web visitor should know what the incentive is and what action they need to take. There are a lot of coupons, demos, white papers, and webinars out there so be sure to develop an incentive that is worth downloading. Once you have a good incentive make sure that the call-to-action is placed prominently on the landing page. In most cases, it is a good idea to mention the call-to-action in the title of the webpage so it is quickly recognized.

Contact Bop Design today for assistance in creating a successful website landing page.


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