Bop Design Answers the Top 10 Social Media and SEO Questions Posed by Small Businesses

Most small business owners understand that their firm needs a SEO and social media marketing strategy. However, there is still much confusion regarding the benefits of SEO and social media, and the best way for a small business to implement an effective plan. Bop Design, a San Diego based marketing agency focused on small businesses, has released a resource titled the “Top 10 Social Media & SEO Questions Answered.” The resource is designed for the small business owner who is cash strapped, time crunched but knows their firm needs an effective SEO and social media plan to increase brand awareness and generate ideal customer leads.

Bop Design Business Principal, Jeremy Durant, comments, “There is a tendency for small businesses to over-complicate their social media and SEO strategy. This causes a strategy to be disjointed, sporadic and undisciplined.” Durant says that a strategy all starts with content creation. “If a firm can generate two relevant, timely blog entries a month, this can be the start of an effective SEO and social media plan.” Durant contends that these blog entries can be re-purposed in regular social media communication and an SEO article distribution strategy. “Social media and SEO truly work hand in hand and where it all starts is content. Content establishes you as a thought leader on social media and creates keyword rich content for on and off page optimization.” Because SEO and social media can work together, Bop Design combined the two topics in one guide.

The Top 10 List includes common questions like: Can a SEO firm reasonably guarantee top ranking on Google? How can I test the effectiveness of my website? How do I determine what keywords my firm’s website should target? Click here to access the guide.


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