Why Can’t I Design My Own Website?

A business’s website is pivotal to its success. Your website is your message to the world. It is your first, and if you are not careful only, impression. It needs to quickly and compellingly describe your firm and encourage visitors to buy your services or products. If done correctly, your B2B website can be the driving force of your business. Given its importance, it’s important to get help from web design professionals to create your website.

Here are some of the major reasons why you should get the help of B2B web design experts:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As a business, you want your website to rank well in Google, Bing and other search engines. Achieving this usually requires that you design and build your website with the right structure and code. If you design your own B2B website, you’ll likely miss simple facets that if done properly would drastically improve your number of visitors. These facets include not having or optimizing title and header tags, forgetting to include geo meta tags, and not optimizing your internal page linking. Your site needs to convert visitors, but first it needs visitors!

Mobile and Tablet Support

Properly designing your website to work on multiple platforms requires an experienced designer and developer. It takes knowledge of how users on various devices expect information to be laid out and how your site should behave differently for mobile visitors. Now that more than half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, it is more important than ever that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Find out if your website is mobile-friendly with Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool.

Poor Performance

Every additional second it takes for your B2B website to load results in more potential clients leaving your website without seeing your brand message. If you aren’t knowledgeable in web design and development, it’s possible you may harm your site’s performance and loading speed. This can include trivial things like not properly optimizing your site’s images or more complicated things like incorrectly placing Javascript and CSS files.

Too Much to Communicate

When designing a new site, one of the first things you need to do is figure out your brand messaging and content. Business owners can often come with an exhaustive list with in-depth details that they want to be included on the website. This is a great place to start, but an experienced web design agency can help trim this list down to the essentials. Your website should answer client questions, but it should not overwhelm them with information. A professional web design team understands how to optimize pages to answer certain questions, encourage visitors to perform desired actions and properly convert website leads.

Limited Design Options and Experience

Designers spend a ton of time researching and reviewing new websites and are often on the cutting edge of design for online users. Experienced web designers typically have a massive portfolio to draw from and have created and seen a broad range of site designs. If you aren’t familiar with the variety of designs available, you may not be able to choose a design that is appropriate for you audience.

Save Time and Resources

Crafting a B2B website design takes a lot of time and resources. By choosing to design your own website, you are shifting focus away from running your business. Also, by doing the design yourself, you likely won’t be able to hit a target launch date. Good websites are like compound interest, the earlier you get them up, the better.


A great looking B2B website is a collaboration between a B2B firm and an experienced web design agency. Both bring essential elements to the equation. A site that is built without the assistance of professionals will always be less successful. Great websites begin with qualified, skilled web designers. Working with a professional B2B web design agency ensures you get a functional, optimized website that is consistent with your brand and value propositions.

About the Author

PFrancisPaul Francis is a Developer Advocate at The BHW Group. There he designs and develops custom websites and mobiles apps for his clients. He frequently writes about website development, technology, and business-related topics.


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