Mobile-Minded Design for Websites

Not long ago, you only needed to think about how a website displayed on a desktop computer. Then mobile devices gained popularity (and functionality), so web designers started creating mobile-friendly versions of websites to display on mobile phones. Then there was a shift to responsive web design that served up a rendition of the website depending on the device the user was on: desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

Mobile-First or Mobile-Minded?

Now, there is a focus on mobile-first design. While we fully support creating dynamic websites that display well on mobile devices, at Bop Design, many of our B2B websites are designed to create a great experience for mobile AND desktop users. Our approach is to build websites that accommodate the multi-screen experience, rather than just focus solely on the mobile experience. Why? Because desktop versions of websites tend to be more robust with all the necessary functionality and resources required to create a fluid user experience.

Best Practices for Mobile-Minded Websites

As you work with a web designer on your B2B website, it’s important to take steps to craft a user experience that is optimized for all types of devices. Below are best practices and considerations for launching a website that is mobile-minded, as well as multi-screen minded.

Simplify Navigation

As you know, mobile screens aren’t very large. Trying to scroll through a large navigation menu can cause a bunch of mistaken clicks that take users to pages they don’t want to visit. This can create a frustrating experience for a mobile user who knows what they want but isn’t able to easily navigate to that screen. As you build your navigation menu, make every effort to simplify it down to the essential pages.

Make CTAs Easy to Find (and Click)

The primary calls-to-action on your website should be easily visible for mobile users. The main actions you’d like your potential clients to do must be the most visible CTAs on their mobile device. Placing CTAs at the top or on the side of the screen makes them readily visible and easy to see right away.

Also, keep in mind what it is like to click on links on mobile phones (don’t forget the fat-finger effect!) and create easy-to-click buttons or larger CTAs.

Showcase Click-to-Call CTAs

Before mobile devices were used for online searching, they were used for placing phone calls. Isn’t that amazing? What is more amazing is that people still use mobile devices to make phone calls, especially when they need information immediately or have a complex task to complete. For this reason, it’s important to have a clearly visible click-to-call option for mobile users.

Use Scrolling to Your Benefit

At this point in the adoption of mobile technologies, users have been conditioned to scroll. Use scrolling to your benefit by creating longer landing pages that the users can scroll down to find more information (rather than having to click to other pages). The major benefit of creating a page that is easy to scroll is that you can also incorporate storytelling into your B2B website design. You control the story being told by placing it along the way in the scrolling process.

Build Short Forms

Last, but not least, build short forms for mobile users to complete. It’s a fine line between capturing all the data that you need and minimizing how many fields a prospect must complete before they are fatigued and give up. When it comes to mobile, the forms must only ask for the minimal amount of information. Ask for a full name and email address or a name and a phone number, not both email and phone number. Keep it short so that the experience is more convenient for mobile users.

Conclusion: User Experience Rules

When building a B2B website for mobile, desktop, or tablet, the main thing to keep in mind is that the user experience rules. If your website, in any form, creates a poor user experience, the user likely won’t want to become a client.

Ready to get started with your B2B website project? Call us today for a website review and consultation.


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