B2B Content Marketing Statistics to Convince Your Boss

In the rapidly evolving marketplace, content marketing has become a priority for a variety of reasons. Content marketing is a great way to build your brand’s authority in the field, educate clients and prospects about your products and services, get your brand in front of your target market, and establish trust and credibility with your audience. Another reason is that more and more consumers are using ad-blocking software and turning to sources they trust, including companies, for information about products and services.

Fact: In 2016, 200 million people were using ad blockers.

Chances are you already know this but are facing challenges to get management’s buy-in to go ahead with a B2B content marketing strategy. The good news is there is a ton of documented data and content marketing statistics that show the value of having a solid content strategy.

Here are just a handful of statistics to convince your boss that content marketing is critical to the future success and growth of your B2B firm.

89% of B2B marketers are using some level of content marketing for their organization.

63% of B2B marketers are extremely or very committed to content marketing. (If you aren’t doing content marketing, your competitors probably are.)

52% of B2B marketers planned to start doing content marketing in 2017.

70% of people would rather learn about a company through articles rather than ads. (It’s important to meet the needs of your target market. If they prefer blogs and white papers over ads – take note!)

68% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after engaging with the brand’s content. (Remember that long-term relationships with clients are built on trust. Build trust with the right content.)

94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as part of their content marketing strategy.

75% of B2B marketers can demonstrate how content marketing has increased audience engagement. (An online following is one thing, but an engaged group of followers is entirely different. Content is the best way to engage with your followers and ideal prospects.)

Content marketing leaders see 7.8x more site traffic than non-leaders. (If prospects don’t find your brand’s website online, how will they turn into leads?)

Content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing efforts but generates 3x more leads. (Yes, that’s less money and more leads!)

Content marketing adopters have conversion rates that are 6x higher than non-adopters. (Let’s get this straight, content marketers have higher conversion rates.)

96% of marketers stated that content marketing was a core part of their overall strategy. (This is an incredible number. Close to 100% of marketers believe in content marketing.)

There you have it. A snapshot of B2B content marketing statistics that are sure to convince any executive that content marketing is essential to a brand’s success and growth. Need more tools to get started with content marketing for your firm? Check out our guides on content marketing and read what is essential to a content marketing strategy.


Impact, Content Marketing Institute, CMI Blog, IronPaper.


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