Tips from Successful B2B Web Copywriting Teams

Writing copy for a B2B website takes skill and expertise. When done well, the copy attracts, captivates, and converts website visitors. When done poorly, it makes the brand look sloppy, obtuse, or disconnected.

In this post, we share tips from our experienced B2B website copywriting team on how to write great copy that positions your brand as an expert.

Web Copy vs Print Copy

Before you type your first word, it’s important to understand the primary difference between copy written for a B2B website versus copy written for print. People interact with copy on a website differently than they do with copy in a magazine or book. When looking at a company’s website, they are looking for key information or answers to questions. When they are reading a magazine or book, they are typically looking for entertainment or for a deeper understanding of a subject.

Based on this difference, how web copy is written is critical to whether it resonates with the audience. Long, challenging copy on a website may put off visitors since it’s tough to find the information they need. Similarly, vague or unclear copy will leave them stumped and likely send them off to a competitor for answers.

It’s essential to understand how your audience will interact with your website copy before you draft it. Keep this in mind as you write and edit.

Capture Attention Immediately

They say that we now have the attention span of a goldfish, which is about eight seconds. It’s crucial to keep this in mind as you draft website copy. You don’t have 10 – 15 seconds to draw the reader in and convince them to scroll down the page. I would go so far as to say you have less than 5 seconds to capture their attention and convince them they are at the right spot.

The most successful B2B website copy starts off by stating exactly what the page will discuss – clearly in a headline or subheading. This is not the time to leave the visitor guessing. It’s time to be direct and clear. Don’t wait until halfway down the page to get into the main point of the page – start off there and then lay out further information as the visitor navigates down the page.

Read more: 5 traits of strong b2b marketing writers.

Be Concise

It’s likely been eight seconds since you read the part about the attention span of a goldfish, so we’ll reiterate it here. Not only is your target audience busy and distracted, but they are also likely overwhelmed with information and may be unsure where to start the search for the products or services that they need – or even if they need them at all! While your B2B website copywriting should explain the who/what/when/where/why of your products and services, it must do so in the most concise way possible.

Great website copy gets in, makes the point, gets out. You don’t need to continue discussing a point once you’ve made it. Unfortunately, this is where many writers fail in website copy. They really want to drive the point home, so they dive deep. The most successful web copywriters understand that they can make a point in 1 – 2 sentences, where most others need to take 4 – 5 sentences.

We suggest drafting up your copy and then editing it down significantly. It should make sense and flow well, but don’t take 10 words to say something that can be relayed in three.

Read more: Common copywriting errors that make readers cringe.

Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

Optimizing a website for search engines is a crucial way to get your business in front of your target market. All successful B2B copywriters understand how critical search engine optimization is for attracting new leads. If you work with a writer who is resistant to SEO, they don’t understand lead generation and likely aren’t the right fit for writing your B2B website copy.

Optimizing for search engines (and people) is about more than just incorporating the chosen keywords. A well-optimized page on your website includes proper keyword distribution, an organized page with a main topic and subtopics, clear descriptions and titles of any images or media, clear and concise headings and sub-headings, and short urls that are also descriptive.

Effective B2B website copywriters understand these SEO best practices and keep the big picture in mind when drafting copy.

Looking to create a polished B2B website design that incorporates effective copywriting? Contact us today for a free consultation.

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