3 Strategies to Close B2B Website Leads

Every B2B website lead that comes in from a contact form submission needs to be your sales team’s number one priority. These inbound leads are of extreme importance and should be handled with care and diligence.

In this post, we share our best practices to help your sales team close more B2B website leads and increase your bottom line.

Leverage Your B2B Website

Your company invested in a modern, professional B2B website design that generates quality leads – congratulations! This is a feat in itself as there are plenty of companies with outdated, barely functioning websites. Utilize your polished B2B website to establish yourself as an industry expert who can solve the problem of your inquiring lead.

In your initial response to the lead, include 2 – 3 links to helpful content on your website.

Continue sending your prospect links to relevant information on your company’s website as you nurture the lead through the decision-making process. The goal is to build rapport while continuing to leverage your B2B website with specific information that speaks to their needs or questions.

Read more: Common mistakes that turn prospects away.

Use Content to Establish Yourself as an Expert

One way to close more deals is to reach out to this informed lead immediately. Keep in mind, this person spent enough time on your B2B website to realize you can help solve their company’s issue. Use relevant case studies from your website to demonstrate your ability to problem-solve and listen.

Case studies will get you through the door, but you need to build a relationship with the prospect. The first step to building a working relationship is to listen. Listen to the person’s pain points and challenges. Be sure to listen closely so you hear all of their concerns. Listen without thinking about what’s for dinner or who is up in the series. After hearing the prospect voice their reason for seeking out your solution, use 2 or 3 content pieces in your response to demonstrate your ability to listen and understand what they need.

Read more: B2B website checklist to maximize CRO.

Have a Nurturing Strategy

Your company invested resources in the B2B website design and interface that attracts your ideal buyer personas, use it to your advantage! Identify each one of these website contact form submissions as a top prospect, the crème de la crème of leads. Your goal is to nurture every single one of these website contact form leads until you get to a yes or a no.

You check your email inbox or the leads section of your CRM and there they are, website contact form submissions 2 to 4 times a day, sometimes more. Your number one sales strategy must revolve around the inbound leads from your website. I repeat, your number one objective as a sales team member is to reach out, qualify and nurture every lead that comes from the website contact form. This proven strategy of relying on our B2B web design, content and SEO to drive quality leads is how we have been able to close deals weekly and keep business coming in year after year.

To summarize:

  • Use your company’s website and leverage yourself as the expert.
  • Guide the lead through the decision process with content that is relevant to their needs.
  • Be the expert they need and use the data from your website to demonstrate your company’s ability to problem-solve.
  • Nurture the lead with case studies and relevant content so they can absorb the capabilities your company brings to the table.
  • Build a relationship with every prospect by being authentic and genuine with all communications.

Overlooked Leads: How to Change Your Approach to Closing Deals.

Looking to attract and convert more B2B website leads? Contact us today for a personalized consultation.


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