Email Marketing- Lead Generation and Nurturing

Email marketing has two objectives: lead generation or lead nurturing. We recommend two different email marketing approaches for each. We will discuss each tactic below-

Email Marketing as Lead Generation

Email can be an effective prospecting tactic that can generate new ideal customer leads. When emailing as a lead generation tactic, please remember the following-

  • The More Personal, the Better: With email prospecting, make sure that the email is intended for one specific recipient. NEVER blast emails to a large list when using email for lead generation. Text emails work best since it appears more personal and more targeted. Make sure the text email is clear and concise.
  • Address a Specific Issue: When email prospecting, you want to turn a cold email into a warm email by citing recent news about the firm or recipient. Addressing a specific company issue cited from an external source is an excellent “bridge” to discussing your product or service. It also shows that you did your homework on the company and your email is not a mass email.
  • End Email with Call to Action: Make sure the recipient understands the next steps after receiving the email. A typical call to action is a follow up exploratory call or meeting. An email is intended to be a “door opener” to further the conversation with the prospective client.

Email Marketing as Lead Nurturing

Email is most effective as a lead nurturing tool. Get in the practice of inputting all contacts into your CRM database and export the email recipient list regularly. Decide how frequently you will send an email newsletter and determine topics that matter most to your contacts. When emailing as a lead nurturing tactic, please remember the following-

  • Use a well designed Email Template: Do not bore your recipient with a text email newsletter. Design an email template that is consistent with the “look and feel” of other marketing collateral. A well designed email template will present your firm as credible and professional.
  • Utilize an Email Program: Using an email program such as MailChimp, Constant Contact or Vertical Response will allow you to see which recipients open your email, click onto the website and forward the newsletter. An email marketing program allows you to review email data and make better decisions on future email marketing.
  • Relevant Topics: The email newsletter cannot just be news about your company, new clients, new employees or awards. No one cares! Always remember that a recipient thinks, “What’s in it for me?” Keep that in mind as you determine topics to cover.-

Email is a highly effective marketing tool if utilized properly. Make sure to establish a standard process for both lead generation and nurturing tactics. Good luck!


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