5 Things a B2B Website Must Have

You want your B2B website to accurately position your firm’s brand and be a resource for current and potential clients. In order to do so, there are several things that your website must absolutely have to be effective.

  1. Clean, Organized, Professional Design

You wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t come to an interview well-dressed, why should a client trust your company if your B2B website is dated, disorganized and unprofessional?

Users subconsciously make an immediate judgment on how something looks before they even start reading. Additionally, if your website isn’t functional, they won’t engage with it at all. A clean, organized, professional web design is essential to creating a great first impression to potential clients and building trust.

  1. Clear Brand Messaging

Clear, consistent brand messaging that highlights your Unique Value Proposition is a critical part of professional web design. When a prospect arrives on your website, they should easily understand your firm’s main value proposition: what you have to offer them.

Bonus tip – great customer service is not a UVP. Your value proposition should be unique and distinguish your firm from your competition.

  1. Outline Specific Services or Products

A strong B2B web design distinctly outlines your firm’s products or services that a prospective buyer can expect to get from you. This sounds like a no-brainer but I’ve come across too many websites that are really vague – this is especially true for service-based companies.

A couple examples of vague phrases websites use that don’t properly explain a company’s services are “we are a media company” or “management consulting.” They fail because they don’t talk about the specific services they deliver within this general industry.

An effective website answers questions like:

  • What industries do you specialize in?
  • Who is your ideal client?
  • What does a typical engagement look like?
  • Do you have a specific process in delivering these services?
  1. Credibility + Trust Builders

Your website should not just be company propaganda, rather, it should educate your prospective buyer, build trust and prove why you are the company they should hire.

Use your website to build trust by educating your clients through thought leadership content (blogs, white papers, guides). Also, another way to build credibility is through third party proof (press, case studies, testimonials, showcasing client logos, project galleries).

  1. Conversion Opportunities

Make it easy for the user to engage with your firm. Do this by making your contact information visible and easily accessible. It’s important to have a variety of options for “conversion,” depending on where the potential client is in the buying cycle.

Great examples of conversion opportunities are:

  • Sign up for newsletter
  • Sign up for a demo
  • Schedule a consultation
  • Download this guide
  • Follow us on social media.

Any of these are an opportunity for your company to keep in touch and nurture prospects into becoming clients.

Your website is often the first interaction a prospect has with your firm. You never get a second chance to make a great first impression, so be sure your website is showcasing your firm in the best possible light.

Considering a new B2B web design? Check out these web design statistics first.


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