Rachel Cunningham


A native of Orange County, Rachel has immersed herself in the written word and has a special passion for 19th Century British Literature and the writing of Charles Dickens. She earned a BS in Management from Boston College and holds a Master of Arts in English from CSU, Long Beach. Today, she is obsessed with creating written content to inform, educate, connect, and persuade in the online world. She has written everything from eBooks, to White Papers, to Blogs, to Articles, to Infographics to Style Guides. Her special interests are SEO, social media, and the online user experience.

Outside of writing, reading, editing, and communicating online, Rachel spends her time quilting, cycling, baking, and sharing the latest cat memes with her husband. She enjoys her taxidermy chipmunk in cowgirl costume, cooking and eating vegetarian food, and all types of movies. When not at work, she is often out walking in her neighborhood to check out the newest restaurant.

Awards & Community Involvement

  • SDBJ Leaders of Influence in Advertising, PR & Marketing 2023 Honoree

Rachel’s Latest Blog Posts

Expert's view on GA4 for B2B marketers. Get an overview on GA4.

An Overview of GA4 for B2B Marketers 

Tips on how crafting a strong digital marketing strategy that generates leads.

How to Craft a B2B Digital Marketing Strategy to Generate Leads

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Repurposing Your B2B Content – When & How to Do It

5 Great B2B Content Marketing Examples

Holiday Marketing Ideas for B2B Brands

7 Things You Must Do Before Changing Marketing Platforms

How to Create a B2B Content Strategy

What Are the Top B2B Marketing Best Practices?

7 Strategies to Grow Your Business with B2B Marketing

Old, Outdated Content Marketing Tactics We Wish Would Disappear

B2B Content Marketing Practices that Work

10 Stats to Consider When Building a B2B Content Marketing Strategy

What Works on Social Media for B2B Companies?

What to Cut and What to Keep in Your Marketing Strategy

10 Tips to Generate Content Your Audience Will Devour

What to Include in Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy

How to Create a Human Connection with B2B Digital Marketing

To Share, or Not to Share? Should My B2B Company Use Social Media?

B2B Content Marketing Activities You Should Be Doing Now

How 2020 Changed B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing Strategies and Trends for 2021

5 Quick Tips to Promote Your Next Webinar

A Two Minute Overview of B2B Content Marketing

What to Include on Your B2B Content Calendar

When One = Four: How to Craft an Efficient B2B Content Marketing Plan

A Foundation for Getting Started with B2B Content Marketing

What Successful B2B Content Marketing Strategies Have in Common

Streamline Content Creation with an Editorial Calendar That Works Hard

Create a B2B Website Design to Support Content Marketing Efforts

Providing Value: What to Cover in a B2B Email Newsletter

Tips to Promote Thought Leadership Content On & Off a B2B Website

Evaluating What Works in Your B2B Content Marketing

Embracing Emotion in B2B Marketing

4 Basic Steps to Creating Engaging Content

7 B2B Marketing Strategies to Build Brand Awareness

Is Your Marketing Team a Cost Center or a Revenue Center?

B2B Content Marketing Simplified: What You Need to Know

B2B Marketing Do’s and Don’ts for Attracting Leads

What to Outsource to a B2B Agency & What to Keep In-House

How to Write Copy to Engage Readers & Search Engines

What Is Thought Leadership Content (& How to Craft It)

Creative B2B Marketing Tips to Refresh a Tired Strategy

Tips to Grow Your Content Marketing Success in 2019

How to Determine the Success of Your Content Marketing Strategy

Get More Mileage Out of Your Content Pieces

Top Tools for B2B Marketers

4 Ways to Provide Value with B2B Content

3 Surprising Spots for Blog Inspiration

B2B Blogging Trends We Expect to Die Out

What Is Page Speed & How Does It Impact My B2B Website?

B2B Blogging Tips to Create Articles Your Audience Can’t Resist

Less Is More with Social Media for B2B

Critical Considerations for a B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Evaluate Your B2B Marketing Strategy with 5 Simple Questions

Maximize B2B Website Retargeting with Content

Google Analytics Part 2: Digging Deeper into Key Metrics

Google Analytics Part 1: An Introduction for New Users

Reach a New Audience with Paid Social Campaigns

How to Build an Editorial Calendar that Gets Results

7 B2B Companies Rocking Content Marketing

B2B Content Marketing Statistics to Convince Your Boss

Content Marketing: Building + Executing Your Strategy

Setting Content Goals: What You Need to Know

Marketing & SEO: A Winning Duo

10 Websites We Are Thankful For (A Review)

Craft the Perfect Guest Blog Pitch

What Is Guest Blogging & Why Do It?

Learn What Clients Want with Two Google Analytics Reports

10 Things I Learned at Social Media Marketing World

How to Create Irresistible Content

Web Content Accessibility for Users with Varying Abilities

The Only B2B Marketing Stats You Care About

Top 10 Places to Visit in San Diego This Holiday Season

Why Bother with a Content Marketing Plan?

What a Successful B2B Content Marketing Plan Looks Like

Google’s Mobilegeddon: What You Need to Know